Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life Goes On...

Hey friends and readers! Okay so it's only been like how many months since I last posted? Yeah...maybe we shouldn't answer that question :) But I have to say, wow, has a lot happened in that time! I'm going to do my best to list what I can:

1.) I got a job! Finally! OMG did I think I was going to lose my mind waiting to get hired by someone! Anyone! Anywhere! Where did I finally land a job? Well, at a local daycare. It pays minimum wage, and my hours are "technically" at the mercy of the parents, but it's about 5 minutes from my place, causal dress code, and I get to have fun with kids. Although I will say that there are days that one or so will do their very best to test me, and on those day work isn't so fun, but I'm getting along. I was originally hired at the end of July and was on roughly a month training period to see if I would meld and work out in that type of atmosphere. Well a month has past, and considering I think I'm may be one of the last two or so left that got hired the same time I did, I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking around. :)

2.) My hubby celebrated his big *Enter numbers here* birthday!! He would not be happy with me if I was to spill the beans on how old he is! Let's just say it rhymes with "third tea" :D Hee-hee-hee we had a little get together and had a themed party here at our place. Yep, you heard correctly, we had a themed party, his choice and he chose this party pack of an author that he follows. The party pack included everything for the party (for adults, not kiddies mind you ;p nothing kinky! Get your mind out of the gutter!) and if we took pictures and sent them in he got entered into a drawing to win a bunch of neat prizes. He didn't win the grand prize but he did end up winning a smaller prize pack that should be arriving soon. :D

3.) My hubby started classes again! This may not seem like a big deal to some but to us, it really is!! We had a lot of problems during the summer happen with the university and we were really afraid that he might have to sit out this semester until it all got straightened out. But luckily it happened much much quicker than we thought so now he is once again a student and getting his education!

4.) My sister/Best Friend started her last semester of college as well! I'm so excited for her, she also had a few moments here and there where she was a little concerned, but everything came together for her just like we knew it would! I know she's excited to be a graduate, and I'm so happy for her! I'm also happy for her boyfriend as well! He has landed himself a job of his *one of his* dreams! So now I get to be excited for both of them! Things are looking brighter and brighter in their future, and I can't wait to see where they take it! :D

5.) As of today, my niece is officially a teenager!! I really don't know what I'm going to do! It doesn't seem possible that she is already 13 years old! Soon I just know I'm going to look around and she's going to be graduating high school and going to college! Time really does have a way of getting away from you!

Okay, so maybe not as much has happened as I thought, but I keep feeling like I'm forgetting some events so if I happen to think of them later I will post a follow-up. For now though dear ones, it's late, I'm sleepy and I'm on call tomorrow so I will say G'night and Happy Weekend Everyone!

It's late at night, and yep, life and I are both too tired to play ball!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blown Away...

Okay friends and fans, this post is going to be a little bit different from some of my other posts. This one is going to be talking about a really classy lady that I have heard alot about from my sister, but I hadn't seen her actually perform. My sis told me how beautiful and sexy and just down right smokin' this little lady is for a very long time! And when I caught her on TV today, I was just like "Oh my gosh! She's everything Sis said she was and more!" Who am I talking about? Well, this answer may surprise some but I'm talking about none other than Ms. Dita Von Teese!! Yes the sexy little burlesque dancer, married to Mr. Manson himslef!

I have to tell you, I have always had an appreciation for the old pin-up girls, but my sister was what made me really just love their work. How you may ask? Well, for one thing she herself could easily pass for a modern day Bettie Page, and two she started collecting all this amazing old school pin-up memorabilia and in it was a book on some of the amazing art of the time and all this history! She would show me things, and tell me all this trivia and I was just getting wrapped up more and more into it! So where am I going with this? Well, I have to say that after seeing Ms. Dita Von Teese perform, I am just so excited that burlesque may have a huge chance of making a world sweeping come back. (I have to say, I really did not know that anyone was still performing burlesque shows....I feel dumb but excited!)

Okay, so enough of my stupid rant on the awesomeness that is pin-ups! Here is the link to Dita Von Teese's official website, I hope y'all enjoy! ***WARNING*** MAY CONTAIN EXPLICIT MATERIAL! ***WARNING***

Thanks again sis!!

And, yep, life is her ball!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hey folks! I figure it's been long enough since I last posted to my blog, but you know I honestly have not had much happen that I thought was worthy enough to blog about. Even as I sit here my life is consisting of Food Network on TV, C.C. in my lap, and my kitty kat pjs. Yeah, told ya, real exciting! :D

I guess one could say that life has not liked me very much lately. What do I mean by that? Well, between still being unemployed....which bites! is tight, and as my momma says "when you start getting two steps ahead, something happens and you find yourself six steps back." I mean right now the Hubby and I being ahead for any reason is like huge wow! But life on the other hand has decided that it doesn't like me and keeps throwing land mines at me! Do you have any idea how much those sting?! *Ten points if you can figure what movie I got that statement from!* But seriously, I absolutely HATE not being in control of my own life! Right now I am literally putting my life in the hands of employers and praying that I can impress enough to start earning a paycheck....this blows!

I guess what makes matters worse is the fact that I watch TV and I see shows with people running their own businesses, people with no formal training, doing a job that is earning them money, and I start to wonder, is there anything that I'm really good enough at that I think I could do to earn my own money at? Well, lets see: 1.) I'm fairly decent at poker, and I play it for fun, but if I was to look at it seriously, where and how would I win any money at that around here? I would probably lose more money just from the entry fees than I would winning anything, so that's out. 2.) I like to bake, okay that's an idea. What kinds of things do I make consistently well every time? Yeah, that's a short list. Besides, once again I would probably spend more money buying the ingredients to make the stuff than I would make selling them. That's another problem, where would I sell them? Any more you have to have government/health papers signed in blood to be able to sell anything to the public as is! Yeah, once again that one's out. 3.) I have made some role playing game accessories that I could sell. This one probably has the least amount of drawbacks, but it still has some. The main thing I have made is a dice bag that is reversible and actually very sturdy. I make each one by hand, so there's a drawback right there, it takes almost an hour plus for each bag. I sew them by hand as well. I could use my sewing machine, but where each bag is different, I really need to feel where each fold and such is, so the fingers have it! And honestly the fabric part is not too expensive considering how many bags I can make out of each swatch so that one isn't too bad. The string/leather/ties on the other hand, are not cheap and not so easy to find. But I'm left with the option of where do I sell them? Not a big clientele around here for these little bags, although they can be used for other things besides dice. I could go through an online site, but by the time I upload, wait, maybe sell, and ship, I dunno how much profit I would be gleaning from them.

So I'm back to my position sitting on the couch wondering what I can do, in between jobs, to make ends meet. All I keep coming up with are the same ideas, with a whole new set of problems.

Thinking too much hurts, and yep, right now, I feel like life's ball!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Giving Back...

Hey everyone! I just wanted to draw your attention to the new additions to my Blogger page... (please direct your attention to the right) this is from a website called SocialVibe ( and it is an application that you can add to your blog, Facebook, MySpace, and many other social sites. What does it do? Well, it's actually pretty cool, once you've signed up, for every person that visits your site, SocialVibe will donate to a cause/charity of your choice. That's it, your visitors won't have to click anything, answer any questions or any of those other pesky little things, they just have to visit your site! Also, it doesn't cost you anything to sign up either, in fact as far as I was able to see, it doesn't cost you anything ever!

So, I encourage anyone that has a blog, Facebook, MySpace or any other social site to please think about signing up for this program! Why not give a little something back to others, especially when all it involves is visiting your friends web-page?! Thanks for considering it friends! And if anyone does add the application, let me know and I'll be sure to stop by your page to help get the donations flowing! :D

Monday, June 8, 2009

Life In An Instant....

Okay, so today has been rather uneventful. I was up all night, thanks to my stupid brain not wanting to shut up so I could get some sleep, trust me it was almost stabbed with a Q-tip! So needless to say I was in bed most of the day. When I finally did drag myself out from beneath the covers it was to forge for food, grab my laptop and troop back upstairs. What can I say, it was a lounge in bed and do nothing day.

Well, fast forward a few hours later to when Hubby arrives home from work. He climbs the stairs and sits with me for a little while and tells me about his day and how he encountered a woman that truly did not deserve the family she was blessed with. For she was horrible to my Hubby (who has a job as a cashier) and just really not nice to her children. The whole situation was difficult on my Hubby for the simple reasons that 1.) he shouldn't have had to deal with her and her crazy attitude problems. And 2.) he doesn't feel it's right for these kind of people to be given children, if they treat them like that. I have to say I agree with him.

Okay, sorry about the rant, but fast-forward again and my husband is wanting to play a video game to relieve some of his tension and I agree to head downstairs with him while he plays. Well, here is where we get to the highlight of our day and the end to my rambling. Hubby is already sitting on the couch when I get downstairs, I plop down next to him and work on getting in a comfy spot when the boys, (remember them? My crazy cats? Yeah they come into the picture here...) walk into the room. (For sake of helping keep them seprate we shall call them C.C. and Snap.) My first thought is "Hey, guys" and my second thought is that Snap is wanting to play fetch and he is bringing me one of his toys. Yes, Snap has taught himself how to play fetch and will often bring me a toy so we can play. Well, both of those thoughts go out of my head in a instant when I realize that the toy he has doesn't look like our usual fetch toy, and I'm thinking perhaps he dug up one of their old gray mousies from the depth of who knows where. Well, as I'm about to voice this thought I also see that this mousey has legs.... Okay, so I've rambled and rambled trying for a fancy buildup but the truth be told I realize in a instant that Snap has a real mouse in his mouth and that he is growling because C.C. keeps trying to get it! I'm telling my husband that I think it's a real mouse and he gets up and tries to get a look at it but says that he thinks it's one of their toys. I proceed to show him it is real by grabbing Snap around the scruff to make him release his prize and sure enough out plops a little gray mouse, that is not moving at all.

What do you do in a situation like this? You want to get rid of the little thing of course, but how? And how do you do it quickly without having to fight tooth and claw of your cats for it? Well, we settled on me holding the cats back by the scruff and my Hubby grabbing paper towels, wrapping it up and taking it out to the dumpster. The boys of course proceeded to search the house from top to bottom trying to figure out where Daddy hid their new toy. Yeah...lets just say they didn't find it. I for one am really shocked by all this, because in the year plus that we've lived here, this is the first mouse we've ever seen. Gotta say I didn't see it coming.

Discovered that my cats are natural mousers, and yep, today life's the cats' ball!

Friday, June 5, 2009

And Today I'm The Ball...

So life has been going semi-okay for us for a little while now. I'm playing the unemployed stay at home wife card right now, and yes, it's getting a bit old. My "children", aka my twin hellions, aka my cats, have made things interesting all day, everyday. If they're not getting into something, I start to worry and wonder what they're planning, and some of their schemes really take the cake, let me tell you!

Although, today has been really laid back for the three of us, (the boys and I) while hubby has been at work. So how has life made me it's ball today you may ask if things are pretty laid back? Well, I'll tell you. It's close to about a "normal" person's dinner time, (I say normal person's because my husband and my eating schedule is really really strange due to work schedules and such) so anyways, I decide that there's a nice looking chicken pot-pie in the freezer that would make a nice lite dinner to hold me over until tonight. So I go, heat him up in the microwave, sit down in the living room so I can have some entertainment with my "dinner", I crack into the shell of the pie and a chunk tries to escape. So I do what any other person would do to catch a steaming hot piece of pot-pie from falling and burning their leg while sitting on the edge of the couch, I try to catch it. Well, if you haven't figured out what I'm going to say happened next, you've only been skimming through my monologue! Well, while one hand is balancing the pot-pie, the other dives to catch the chunk, and the fork protruding from the pie over-balances the pie, and both fall to the carpeted floor! Although life did spare me enough to allow the pie to land on it's bottom, it did not spare me the spray of contents that shot out of the hole I made in the top, splashing onto the coffee table, floor and my bare feet.

Saved 75% of my dinner, but yep, today I'm life's ball!

Let It Begin....

Welcome to the craziness that I'm calling my blog. After seeing my sister, best friend, and husband all having blogs, I have finally decided to give in and start one of my own. There will be times during this blog that I will talk about the things going on in my life, and there may be times that I just talk about some of the crazy things that I see going on the world around me. You really never know what will happen or what to expect, heck, I don't even know what to expect is going to fall from my mind and into this blog. But thank you for reading, and if you find it interesting enough, thanks for sticking around! :D I hope you'll come visiting often!

**Rino from Disney's Bolt: yep life's his ball!**