Friday, June 5, 2009

And Today I'm The Ball...

So life has been going semi-okay for us for a little while now. I'm playing the unemployed stay at home wife card right now, and yes, it's getting a bit old. My "children", aka my twin hellions, aka my cats, have made things interesting all day, everyday. If they're not getting into something, I start to worry and wonder what they're planning, and some of their schemes really take the cake, let me tell you!

Although, today has been really laid back for the three of us, (the boys and I) while hubby has been at work. So how has life made me it's ball today you may ask if things are pretty laid back? Well, I'll tell you. It's close to about a "normal" person's dinner time, (I say normal person's because my husband and my eating schedule is really really strange due to work schedules and such) so anyways, I decide that there's a nice looking chicken pot-pie in the freezer that would make a nice lite dinner to hold me over until tonight. So I go, heat him up in the microwave, sit down in the living room so I can have some entertainment with my "dinner", I crack into the shell of the pie and a chunk tries to escape. So I do what any other person would do to catch a steaming hot piece of pot-pie from falling and burning their leg while sitting on the edge of the couch, I try to catch it. Well, if you haven't figured out what I'm going to say happened next, you've only been skimming through my monologue! Well, while one hand is balancing the pot-pie, the other dives to catch the chunk, and the fork protruding from the pie over-balances the pie, and both fall to the carpeted floor! Although life did spare me enough to allow the pie to land on it's bottom, it did not spare me the spray of contents that shot out of the hole I made in the top, splashing onto the coffee table, floor and my bare feet.

Saved 75% of my dinner, but yep, today I'm life's ball!

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