Monday, June 8, 2009

Life In An Instant....

Okay, so today has been rather uneventful. I was up all night, thanks to my stupid brain not wanting to shut up so I could get some sleep, trust me it was almost stabbed with a Q-tip! So needless to say I was in bed most of the day. When I finally did drag myself out from beneath the covers it was to forge for food, grab my laptop and troop back upstairs. What can I say, it was a lounge in bed and do nothing day.

Well, fast forward a few hours later to when Hubby arrives home from work. He climbs the stairs and sits with me for a little while and tells me about his day and how he encountered a woman that truly did not deserve the family she was blessed with. For she was horrible to my Hubby (who has a job as a cashier) and just really not nice to her children. The whole situation was difficult on my Hubby for the simple reasons that 1.) he shouldn't have had to deal with her and her crazy attitude problems. And 2.) he doesn't feel it's right for these kind of people to be given children, if they treat them like that. I have to say I agree with him.

Okay, sorry about the rant, but fast-forward again and my husband is wanting to play a video game to relieve some of his tension and I agree to head downstairs with him while he plays. Well, here is where we get to the highlight of our day and the end to my rambling. Hubby is already sitting on the couch when I get downstairs, I plop down next to him and work on getting in a comfy spot when the boys, (remember them? My crazy cats? Yeah they come into the picture here...) walk into the room. (For sake of helping keep them seprate we shall call them C.C. and Snap.) My first thought is "Hey, guys" and my second thought is that Snap is wanting to play fetch and he is bringing me one of his toys. Yes, Snap has taught himself how to play fetch and will often bring me a toy so we can play. Well, both of those thoughts go out of my head in a instant when I realize that the toy he has doesn't look like our usual fetch toy, and I'm thinking perhaps he dug up one of their old gray mousies from the depth of who knows where. Well, as I'm about to voice this thought I also see that this mousey has legs.... Okay, so I've rambled and rambled trying for a fancy buildup but the truth be told I realize in a instant that Snap has a real mouse in his mouth and that he is growling because C.C. keeps trying to get it! I'm telling my husband that I think it's a real mouse and he gets up and tries to get a look at it but says that he thinks it's one of their toys. I proceed to show him it is real by grabbing Snap around the scruff to make him release his prize and sure enough out plops a little gray mouse, that is not moving at all.

What do you do in a situation like this? You want to get rid of the little thing of course, but how? And how do you do it quickly without having to fight tooth and claw of your cats for it? Well, we settled on me holding the cats back by the scruff and my Hubby grabbing paper towels, wrapping it up and taking it out to the dumpster. The boys of course proceeded to search the house from top to bottom trying to figure out where Daddy hid their new toy. Yeah...lets just say they didn't find it. I for one am really shocked by all this, because in the year plus that we've lived here, this is the first mouse we've ever seen. Gotta say I didn't see it coming.

Discovered that my cats are natural mousers, and yep, today life's the cats' ball!


  1. OMG!!! I would've freaked the F out!!!

  2. Yeah, I was doing the little nervous giggle and everything, I just didn't know what to do! :D lol
