Sunday, March 21, 2010

If All The World's A Stage...

Hello there friends and readers! It has been a little while since I've posted to my blog, I'm horrible about keeping up with things such as this!! (My apologies!) But as for anything new happening in life, there isn't much to tell. In the last post I updated all you lovely people on the status of being moved into our new home, which still has boxes everywhere! I know, I know, get off my lazy rump and do it already!! It is slowly becoming a home, and of that I am grateful!

As for my job, I still love it! It kills me sometimes because I've been working so many days in a row, but boy do I enjoy seeing the paycheck that comes from all my hard work! :) But it's really the other job, my dream job, that has been on my mind lately. As my dear readers know, I went through four crazy years of college to get my teaching degree, and now, I'm still not teaching, but for me this is not a big worry, its a regret. Mainly for the reason, that I don't want to be just a regular ol' classroom teacher any more. I want to be able to teach where my heart lies, in the theatre! I have been blessed with the opportunity of working with a local children's theatre and that alone has been my dream in a nut shell! For anyone who has never been in the theatre field they may not understand that feeling or rush of multiple feelings that one gets when the curtain goes up and it's do or die time! And when you're doing that with 20 little people all running around trying to peek around the curtain at mom and dad in the audience, it is just magical!! I have a few readers that will probably tell me I'm crazy to want to go through all that chaos with children but God I loved it!!

Of course it's not only helping with children's theatre that I would love to do, I wanna BE in the theatre again! It's like an addiction, you think you're over it and then you get just one little taste of it again, and you just go bonkers inside trying to get it again! (kinda a creepy analogy I know but I dunno how else to describe it!) I did theatre for so long, it is a part of me! And I wanna get back into that world! Acting, lights, sound, props, make-up, rehearsals, it doesn't matter what I do, just as long as I'm doing it again!! **Big deep breaths**

Okay, now that my rant attack is done, I think I'll be okay. I just had to get that out there and off my chest! If I still have any readers that I haven't scared off yet, I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll try to pop back on a little sooner from time to time!!

Yep...I'm Life's Ball...and it's toying with me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

As The Blog Turns....

Hello there readers! It has been several, several months since I last posted and well what can I say? Life gets in the way of the funner things in life sometimes. But to catch everyone up on things going on in my life here are the highlights:

  • The hubby and I have moved! We were beyond blessed to get out of the place we were living. Please understand that our place was not horrible or falling apart or anything of the sort, oh no no no, it was our landlord who made our lives miserable! We are thankfully though now away and with a new landlord and a whole new place where we are so far much much happier, even if it is taking a little bit more work to get it into shape.
  • The new year has started and the hubby and I have just celebrated being married for one year! Amazing that it has been that long already, especially considering that I'm still not even used to the idea of being married at all!
  • I'm still working at my job and the hubby is still at his, so life is getting a little bit better now that we have two incomes flowing in, even if they're small, they are something!
I know that there are so many other things that have happened in my life since I last posted but for the life of me I cannot think of anything that I can write about.... I suppose I will have to end this post here, even though it is much, much shorter than I had intended for it to be. If things occur I will do my best to let you all know! Thanks for reading!

Yep....right now, life is my ball!