Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life Goes On...

Hey friends and readers! Okay so it's only been like how many months since I last posted? Yeah...maybe we shouldn't answer that question :) But I have to say, wow, has a lot happened in that time! I'm going to do my best to list what I can:

1.) I got a job! Finally! OMG did I think I was going to lose my mind waiting to get hired by someone! Anyone! Anywhere! Where did I finally land a job? Well, at a local daycare. It pays minimum wage, and my hours are "technically" at the mercy of the parents, but it's about 5 minutes from my place, causal dress code, and I get to have fun with kids. Although I will say that there are days that one or so will do their very best to test me, and on those day work isn't so fun, but I'm getting along. I was originally hired at the end of July and was on roughly a month training period to see if I would meld and work out in that type of atmosphere. Well a month has past, and considering I think I'm may be one of the last two or so left that got hired the same time I did, I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking around. :)

2.) My hubby celebrated his big *Enter numbers here* birthday!! He would not be happy with me if I was to spill the beans on how old he is! Let's just say it rhymes with "third tea" :D Hee-hee-hee we had a little get together and had a themed party here at our place. Yep, you heard correctly, we had a themed party, his choice and he chose this party pack of an author that he follows. The party pack included everything for the party (for adults, not kiddies mind you ;p nothing kinky! Get your mind out of the gutter!) and if we took pictures and sent them in he got entered into a drawing to win a bunch of neat prizes. He didn't win the grand prize but he did end up winning a smaller prize pack that should be arriving soon. :D

3.) My hubby started classes again! This may not seem like a big deal to some but to us, it really is!! We had a lot of problems during the summer happen with the university and we were really afraid that he might have to sit out this semester until it all got straightened out. But luckily it happened much much quicker than we thought so now he is once again a student and getting his education!

4.) My sister/Best Friend started her last semester of college as well! I'm so excited for her, she also had a few moments here and there where she was a little concerned, but everything came together for her just like we knew it would! I know she's excited to be a graduate, and I'm so happy for her! I'm also happy for her boyfriend as well! He has landed himself a job of his *one of his* dreams! So now I get to be excited for both of them! Things are looking brighter and brighter in their future, and I can't wait to see where they take it! :D

5.) As of today, my niece is officially a teenager!! I really don't know what I'm going to do! It doesn't seem possible that she is already 13 years old! Soon I just know I'm going to look around and she's going to be graduating high school and going to college! Time really does have a way of getting away from you!

Okay, so maybe not as much has happened as I thought, but I keep feeling like I'm forgetting some events so if I happen to think of them later I will post a follow-up. For now though dear ones, it's late, I'm sleepy and I'm on call tomorrow so I will say G'night and Happy Weekend Everyone!

It's late at night, and yep, life and I are both too tired to play ball!